During these sessions parties jointly prepare for and launch their bargaining. Parties also explore and plan how they want to work together to reach an agreement. PERC will be happy to answer any questions and help you customize a training that fits your needs. Contact us at (360) 570-7300 or or fill out a Training Request form.
Collective Bargaining 101
Learn the fundamentals and best practices of collective bargaining and explore the spectrum of bargaining models parties can use in their negotiations (e.g., traditional bargaining, collaborative bargaining, and interest based bargaining). This session is a good choice for bargaining team members new to collective bargaining or who want a refresher on the basics.
Interest Based Bargaining
Discover a structured step-by-step negotiation process focused on jointly understanding interests before exploring solutions and reaching consensus. Learn the steps to this approach and practice the skills and techniques to make it successful.
Collaborative Bargaining
Explore a flexible option that draws techniques from both interest based bargaining and traditional bargaining to create a bargaining process based on the parties’ needs. Participants learn the factors that make a bargain collaborative (e.g., information and interest sharing) and collaboratively lay the groundwork for a successful next bargain.
The Affinity Model
Learn to use the core techniques of collaborative or interest based bargaining to help parties tackle multiple related topics at the same time. Learn and practice the steps of this dynamic bargaining process.