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  • LAWS


WAC Model Rules of Procedure – Chapter 10-08

(Rules adopted by the Chief Administrative Law Judge of the State of Washington, to regulate adjudicative proceedings under the Administrative Procedure Act, Chapter 34.05 RCW. Some of these rules are replaced by more specific PERC rules, below.)

WAC Rules of Practice and Procedure Public Employment Relations Commission – Chapter 391-08

(General procedural rules adopted by PERC which modify or supplement the Model Rules of Procedure in Chapter 10-08 WAC.)

WAC Public Records Requests - Chapter 391-15

(Information and procedures for requesting public records from the agency).

WAC Representation Case Rules – Chapter 391-25

(Cases where a union seeks certification as exclusive bargaining representative of a group of employees, or the majority status of an incumbent exclusive bargaining representative is questioned.)

WAC Unit Clarification Case Rules – Chapter 391-35

(Cases where an employer or incumbent exclusive bargaining representative questions whether one or more employees are properly included in or excluded from an existing bargaining unit, after a change in circumstances.)

WAC Unfair Labor Practice Rules – Chapter 391-45

(Cases where employees, a union, or an employer alleges that an employer and/or union has violated the rules established by the Legislature for the collective bargaining process.)

WAC Impasse Resolution Rules – Chapter 391-55

(Cases where an employer and a union are unable to resolve their differences in negotiations for a collective bargaining agreement.)

WAC Grievance Arbitration Rules – Chapter 391-65

(Cases where an employer and a union have a disagreement about the interpretation or application of an existing contract.)

WAC Dispute Resolution Panel and Law Enforcement Arbitrator Roster – Chapter 391-75 

(Standards for membership on the panels of arbitrators the agency maintains for alternative dispute resolution processes)

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