About PERC
We are the Washington State agency with jurisdiction over public sector labor relations and collective bargaining in Washington. We assist parties in resolving labor-management disputes. We administer 10 different collective bargaining laws covering approximately 475,000 public sector employees statewide in:
Cities | Public Utility Districts | Individual Home Care Providers |
Counties | School Districts | Adult Family Care Providers |
State | Fire Districts | Family Child Care Providers |
Ports | Community Colleges | Language Access Providers |
Public Transit | State Colleges/Universities | Symphonies |
Hospital Districts | Libraries |
Mission: PERC provides expert, impartial, and timely resolution of labor-management disputes so that any disruption to public services is prevented or limited.
Vision: Leaders in labor relations and dispute resolution. Partners in improving labor-management relations.
Values: Excellence, Innovation, Integrity, Neutrality, Credibility, Respect, Balance
PERC is headed by three part-time citizen commissioners who are appointed by the Governor for five-year terms. The Commission hears and decides appeals on decisions from agency staff (Examiners and the Executive Director) and has rule-making authority.
Appointed by and reporting to the Commission, our Executive Director is the full-time agency head. The Executive Director is responsible for the day-to-day operation of the agency and decisions on bargaining unit configurations and clarifications.
Our 2023–2025 Strategic Plan builds upon our prior Strategic Plans. As a leader in helping parties improve labor-management relations, we help those parties better serve their clientele. This plan helps PERC achieve its mission to prevent or minimize the disruption to public services.
To see previous strategic plans or progress reports, use the links below. If you have any questions, please contact us at to view full size.