Training Services PERC

These sessions focus on the “relationships” part of labor relations, with an emphasis on teaching skills and techniques to improve communication and relationships.  PERC will be happy to answer any questions and help you customize a training that fits your needs. Contact us at (360) 570-7300 or or log into the E-Filing system and select the Training Request form. Printable version available here.

Communication and Conflict

When communication in the workplace or between a union and employer breaks down, parties may experience interpersonal conflict, increased disputes, or a total breakdown in the labor-management relationship. Explore communication styles and learn key conflict resolution strategies to help maintain, enhance, and rebuild positive workplace relationships.

Labor-Management Committees

Labor-management committees can be a proactive forum for unions and employers to discuss emerging workplace issues before conflicts arise. Participants will learn best practices to organize and run an effective labor-management committee and develop a plan that meets their needs.

What is a Labor-Management Committee?  Part 1
What is a Labor-Management Committee?  Part 2

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