This video series focuses on how we process information and make decisions at the bargaining table with the goal of helping to make you a more persuasive and effective negotiator. Video Accessibility: To view closed captioning on mobile devices, select the "desktop view" in your browser.
Cheat Sheet
Summarizing the main points featured in Decision Making at the Bargaining Table.
An overview on how to better understand and manage the psychological and emotional forces that impact any negotiation.
A detailed look at the science behind how our brains process information and unconsciously influence the decisions we make during the bargaining process.
A guide to being more persuasive during negotiations based on a detailed understanding of how our System 1 & 2 modes of thinking operate.
Understanding the mental shortcuts we rely on to quickly process information that focuses on assessing the probability of future events occurring.
Understanding the mental shortcuts we rely on to quickly process information that focuses on known and well understood points of comparison.
Understanding the mental shortcuts we rely on to quickly process information that focuses on common social cues in society.
Understanding the mental shortcuts we rely on to quickly process information that focuses on our feelings and overall likeability of our opponent and the situation.
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